Friday, January 17, 2014

Ng-Conf 2014 - Video list


AngularJS in 20-ish minutes:

Writing a Massive Angular App:

Going Postal with Promises:

Deep Dive into Custom Directives:

Improve User Experience with Progressive Saving:

Rapid Prototyping with Angular & Deployed:

Rich Data Models & Angular:

Angular Weapon Defense:

Filters: Beyond OrderBy and LimitTo:

Awesome Interfaces with AngularJS Animations:

AngularJS ORM:

Angular Team Panel:

Angular === Community:

Dependency Injection:

How to use Typescript on your Angular Application and be Happy:

Building Realtime Apps with Firebase and Angular:

Angular Directives that Scale:

Dart, it's Angular Too:


Angular with Browserify:

Angular and RequireJS:

Using AngularJS to create iPhone & Android applications with PhoneGap:

Giving a human face to robotics powering interfaces with AngularJS to the Arduino:

End to End Angular Testing with Protractor:

Using ngModelController to Make Sexy Custom Components:


Angular Performance: